Module skplumber.pipeline

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import typing as t

import pandas as pd

from skplumber.primitives.primitive import Primitive
from skplumber.primitives.custom_primitives.preprocessing import (
from skplumber.primitives.parammeta import ParamMeta
from skplumber.utils import PipelineRunError

class PrimitiveStep:
    def __init__(self, primitive_cls: t.Type[Primitive], inputs: t.List[int], **params):
        primitive_cls : class inheriting Primitive
            The primitive class this step is associated with.
        inputs : list of int
            The indices of the pipeline steps for whose output
            this step will use as its input.
        params : kwargs
            Any hyperparameters to set in the primitive.
        self.primitive = primitive_cls(**params)
        self.inputs = inputs

class Pipeline:
    def __init__(self, add_preprocessing: bool = True) -> None:
        Initializes the pipeline, including some preliminary
        common data preprocessing if `add_preprocessing == True`.
        self.steps: t.List[PrimitiveStep] = []
        if add_preprocessing:

    def curr_step_i(self) -> int:
        return len(self.steps) - 1

    def add_step(
        self, primitive_cls: t.Type[Primitive], inputs: t.List[int] = None
    ) -> None:
        Adds `primitive` as the next step to this pipeline. If `inputs` is `None`,
        the outputs of the most recent step will be used as `inputs`.
        if inputs is None:
            inputs = [len(self.steps) - 1]
        step = PrimitiveStep(primitive_cls, inputs)

    def _run(
        self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: t.Optional[pd.Series], *, fit: bool,
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
            if fit and y is None:
                raise ValueError("`y` cannot be `None` when fitting a pipeline")
            all_step_outputs: t.List[pd.DataFrame] = []

            for step_i, step in enumerate(self.steps):
                if step_i == 0:
                    step_inputs = X
                    step_inputs = pd.concat(
                        [all_step_outputs[i] for i in step.inputs], axis=1
                if fit:
          , y)
                step_outputs = step.primitive.produce(step_inputs)
                if isinstance(step_outputs, pd.Series) and step_i < len(self.steps) - 1:
                    # Every step's output but the last step must be a dataframe, since
                    # it might be used as the `X` input for a future step.
                    step_outputs = pd.DataFrame({"output": step_outputs})

            final_predictions = all_step_outputs[-1]
            if not isinstance(final_predictions, pd.Series):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"final pipeline step {self.steps[-1].primitive} "
                    "did not output a pandas Series"
            return final_predictions

        except Exception as e:
            raise PipelineRunError from e

    def param_metas(self) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, ParamMeta]]:
        return {i: step.primitive.param_metas for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)}

    def num_params(self) -> int:
        return sum(len(step.primitive.param_metas) for step in self.steps)

    def param_metas_with_data(
        self, X: pd.DataFrame
    ) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, ParamMeta]]:
        return {
            i: step.primitive.param_metas_with_data(X)
            for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)

    def get_params(self) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]:
        Get all the pipeline's tunable hyperparameters. A given
        param for a given step can be accessed via e.g.:
        params = pipeline.get_params()
        That yields the value of the `"criterion"` param of
        the 0th step in the pipeline.
        return {i: step.primitive.get_params() for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)}

    def set_params(self, params: t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]) -> None:
        Sets any tunable hyperparameters on one or more steps in the
        pipeline. E.g. to set the `"criterion"` param of the 0th step:
        pipeline.set_params({0: {"criterion": "gini"}})
        for i, step_params in params.items():
            if i < 0 or i >= len(self.steps):
                raise ValueError(f"pipeline does not have a step at index {i}")

    def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series) -> None:
        Fits the pipeline on `X` and `y`, meaning, learns how to use `X`
        to predict `y`.
        X : pandas.DataFrame
            The dataframe of features.
        y : pandas.Series
            The series of targets to learn to predict.
        self._run(X, y, fit=True)

    def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
        Makes a prediction for each instance in `X`, returning the predictions.
        return self._run(X, None, fit=False)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        string = f"Pipeline object with {len(self.steps)} steps:"
        for step in self.steps:
            string += "\n\t" + str(step.primitive)
        return string


class Pipeline (add_preprocessing: bool = True)

Initializes the pipeline, including some preliminary common data preprocessing if add_preprocessing == True.

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class Pipeline:
    def __init__(self, add_preprocessing: bool = True) -> None:
        Initializes the pipeline, including some preliminary
        common data preprocessing if `add_preprocessing == True`.
        self.steps: t.List[PrimitiveStep] = []
        if add_preprocessing:

    def curr_step_i(self) -> int:
        return len(self.steps) - 1

    def add_step(
        self, primitive_cls: t.Type[Primitive], inputs: t.List[int] = None
    ) -> None:
        Adds `primitive` as the next step to this pipeline. If `inputs` is `None`,
        the outputs of the most recent step will be used as `inputs`.
        if inputs is None:
            inputs = [len(self.steps) - 1]
        step = PrimitiveStep(primitive_cls, inputs)

    def _run(
        self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: t.Optional[pd.Series], *, fit: bool,
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
            if fit and y is None:
                raise ValueError("`y` cannot be `None` when fitting a pipeline")
            all_step_outputs: t.List[pd.DataFrame] = []

            for step_i, step in enumerate(self.steps):
                if step_i == 0:
                    step_inputs = X
                    step_inputs = pd.concat(
                        [all_step_outputs[i] for i in step.inputs], axis=1
                if fit:
          , y)
                step_outputs = step.primitive.produce(step_inputs)
                if isinstance(step_outputs, pd.Series) and step_i < len(self.steps) - 1:
                    # Every step's output but the last step must be a dataframe, since
                    # it might be used as the `X` input for a future step.
                    step_outputs = pd.DataFrame({"output": step_outputs})

            final_predictions = all_step_outputs[-1]
            if not isinstance(final_predictions, pd.Series):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"final pipeline step {self.steps[-1].primitive} "
                    "did not output a pandas Series"
            return final_predictions

        except Exception as e:
            raise PipelineRunError from e

    def param_metas(self) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, ParamMeta]]:
        return {i: step.primitive.param_metas for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)}

    def num_params(self) -> int:
        return sum(len(step.primitive.param_metas) for step in self.steps)

    def param_metas_with_data(
        self, X: pd.DataFrame
    ) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, ParamMeta]]:
        return {
            i: step.primitive.param_metas_with_data(X)
            for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)

    def get_params(self) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]:
        Get all the pipeline's tunable hyperparameters. A given
        param for a given step can be accessed via e.g.:
        params = pipeline.get_params()
        That yields the value of the `"criterion"` param of
        the 0th step in the pipeline.
        return {i: step.primitive.get_params() for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)}

    def set_params(self, params: t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]) -> None:
        Sets any tunable hyperparameters on one or more steps in the
        pipeline. E.g. to set the `"criterion"` param of the 0th step:
        pipeline.set_params({0: {"criterion": "gini"}})
        for i, step_params in params.items():
            if i < 0 or i >= len(self.steps):
                raise ValueError(f"pipeline does not have a step at index {i}")

    def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series) -> None:
        Fits the pipeline on `X` and `y`, meaning, learns how to use `X`
        to predict `y`.
        X : pandas.DataFrame
            The dataframe of features.
        y : pandas.Series
            The series of targets to learn to predict.
        self._run(X, y, fit=True)

    def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
        Makes a prediction for each instance in `X`, returning the predictions.
        return self._run(X, None, fit=False)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        string = f"Pipeline object with {len(self.steps)} steps:"
        for step in self.steps:
            string += "\n\t" + str(step.primitive)
        return string

Instance variables

var curr_step_i : int
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def curr_step_i(self) -> int:
    return len(self.steps) - 1
var num_params : int
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def num_params(self) -> int:
    return sum(len(step.primitive.param_metas) for step in self.steps)
var param_metas : Dict[int, Dict[str, ParamMeta]]
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def param_metas(self) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, ParamMeta]]:
    return {i: step.primitive.param_metas for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)}


def add_step(self, primitive_cls: Type[Primitive], inputs: List[int] = None) ‑> NoneType

Adds primitive as the next step to this pipeline. If inputs is None, the outputs of the most recent step will be used as inputs.

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def add_step(
    self, primitive_cls: t.Type[Primitive], inputs: t.List[int] = None
) -> None:
    Adds `primitive` as the next step to this pipeline. If `inputs` is `None`,
    the outputs of the most recent step will be used as `inputs`.
    if inputs is None:
        inputs = [len(self.steps) - 1]
    step = PrimitiveStep(primitive_cls, inputs)
def fit(self, X: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, y: pandas.core.series.Series) ‑> NoneType

Fits the pipeline on X and y, meaning, learns how to use X to predict y.


X : pandas.DataFrame
The dataframe of features.
y : pandas.Series
The series of targets to learn to predict.
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def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series) -> None:
    Fits the pipeline on `X` and `y`, meaning, learns how to use `X`
    to predict `y`.
    X : pandas.DataFrame
        The dataframe of features.
    y : pandas.Series
        The series of targets to learn to predict.
    self._run(X, y, fit=True)
def get_params(self) ‑> Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]

Get all the pipeline's tunable hyperparameters. A given param for a given step can be accessed via e.g.:

params = pipeline.get_params()

That yields the value of the "criterion" param of the 0th step in the pipeline.

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def get_params(self) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]:
    Get all the pipeline's tunable hyperparameters. A given
    param for a given step can be accessed via e.g.:
    params = pipeline.get_params()
    That yields the value of the `"criterion"` param of
    the 0th step in the pipeline.
    return {i: step.primitive.get_params() for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)}
def param_metas_with_data(self, X: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> Dict[int, Dict[str, ParamMeta]]
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def param_metas_with_data(
    self, X: pd.DataFrame
) -> t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, ParamMeta]]:
    return {
        i: step.primitive.param_metas_with_data(X)
        for i, step in enumerate(self.steps)
def predict(self, X: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> pandas.core.series.Series

Makes a prediction for each instance in X, returning the predictions.

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def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
    Makes a prediction for each instance in `X`, returning the predictions.
    return self._run(X, None, fit=False)
def set_params(self, params: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]) ‑> NoneType

Sets any tunable hyperparameters on one or more steps in the pipeline. E.g. to set the "criterion" param of the 0th step:

pipeline.set_params({0: {"criterion": "gini"}})
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def set_params(self, params: t.Dict[int, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]) -> None:
    Sets any tunable hyperparameters on one or more steps in the
    pipeline. E.g. to set the `"criterion"` param of the 0th step:
    pipeline.set_params({0: {"criterion": "gini"}})
    for i, step_params in params.items():
        if i < 0 or i >= len(self.steps):
            raise ValueError(f"pipeline does not have a step at index {i}")
class PrimitiveStep (primitive_cls: Type[Primitive], inputs: List[int], **params)


primitive_cls : class inheriting Primitive
The primitive class this step is associated with.
inputs : list of int
The indices of the pipeline steps for whose output this step will use as its input.
params : kwargs
Any hyperparameters to set in the primitive.
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class PrimitiveStep:
    def __init__(self, primitive_cls: t.Type[Primitive], inputs: t.List[int], **params):
        primitive_cls : class inheriting Primitive
            The primitive class this step is associated with.
        inputs : list of int
            The indices of the pipeline steps for whose output
            this step will use as its input.
        params : kwargs
            Any hyperparameters to set in the primitive.
        self.primitive = primitive_cls(**params)
        self.inputs = inputs