Module skplumber.tuners.utils

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from typing import NamedTuple

class TuneResult(NamedTuple):
    best_score: float
    """The best validation score the tuner was able to find."""
    n_evals: int
    """The number of evaluations the tuner completed while optimizing."""
    did_improve: bool
    """Whether the tuner improved upon the starting hyperparameter configuration"""


class TuneResult (best_score: float, n_evals: int, did_improve: bool)

TuneResult(best_score, n_evals, did_improve)

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class TuneResult(NamedTuple):
    best_score: float
    """The best validation score the tuner was able to find."""
    n_evals: int
    """The number of evaluations the tuner completed while optimizing."""
    did_improve: bool
    """Whether the tuner improved upon the starting hyperparameter configuration"""


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var best_score : float

The best validation score the tuner was able to find.

var did_improve : bool

Whether the tuner improved upon the starting hyperparameter configuration

var n_evals : int

The number of evaluations the tuner completed while optimizing.